I’m going to break down a little bit of how I’ve been able to create space to be there for my girls ANY time they need me, both in time and financial support. I am not the flashy sort. I’m weird by almost every standard. Always have been, always will be. And I’m okay […]
Why You Should Know Your Numbers And What To Do With That Info

Why You Should Know Your Numbers And What To Do With That Info Date: August 10, 2018 Guest: Tina Marie Length: 59:06 A single mom with four children, Tina Marie has been creating fast, sustainable growth for startups and liberating entrepreneurs from the grind since 2003. She is the owner of Profit Drivers Inc., which […]
Extract More Money From Your Small Business – Part 2

Remember, I don’t know exactly what you’re doing and what you’re offering OR how good you are. If you feel like you’re not good enough to charge some of these prices… lower them. Then… improve your skills. That being said… Here’s a good rule of thumb to follow. If you’re offering one on one consulting […]
Why Writing Down Your Entrepreneurial Vision Matters

Here it is… unsolicited advice. My knee-jerk reaction to unsolicited advice is to return it it with unsolicited advice. Like… “Let me tell you where you can put that advice”. Unless… of course… someone takes the time to explay “WHY” that advice is something I should listen to AND they manage to get me to […]