Why So Many Entrepreneurs Keep Learning not Earning

I'm speaking to Entrepreneurs who have yet to make a consistent, comfortable living from your business, whether you've been at it for 6 weeks or 6 years.
You know…
You've paid for the mentoring…
You've bought all the software…
You've racked up the bills…
And you still can't even ask for the sale, which is the only way you will ever make money.
It's because there's safety in being the student.
It's one thing to read about dragons from the safety of the thick walls of the library…
It's another thing to go out and slay them.
So, before you spend another dime on that new piece of software to increase sales when you have none…
Before you buy another coaching course from someone who's never going to get to know you one on one and learn YOUR personal needs and weaknesses…
Before you take one more step on that treadmill that gets you nowhere…
Decide if you're a librarian, or a gladiator.
At least the librarian can be happy knowing he's a librarian, surrounded by the books he loves.
A gladiator, on the other hand…
Needs to suit up and slay something to be happy.
Dying in the library would be a slower, more painful death than anything he's likely to encounter on the battlefield.
An ignominious death.
Figure out who you are…
Then act accordingly.
For entrepreneurs who want to become Business Gladiators, or at least have help getting over the hump of asking for the sale, you can download my FREE, SHORT, EASY-TO-DIGEST report, “10 Ways to $10k, which you can access via the optin form on this page. (top right on desktop, scroll down on mobile.) It was created for entrepreneurs making $0 to $300k a year. It will help you with mindset, clarity, and things you may not even have thought of, without causing information overload.
I made it simple so that you can get out of the library. 🙂